Tuesday, February 2, 2010

IGA, Metro and Super C flyer staring this Thursday, Feb.4-Feb.10


  • Meat, Prime rib steak or roast $3.99/lb, Frozen beef for Chinese fondue 350g $4.99 buy one get one free.
  • Vegetable, Mushrooms 99c, Iceberg lettuce 69c, Green or red leaf lettuce 99c, Tomatoes 1.79/lb.
  • Fruit, Clementines 5lb $4.99, Cantaloupe 2/$3, Apples 99c/lb, Pears 99c/lb, Blackberries 2/$3.98.
  • Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 300g $3.99, Natrel milk with Omega 3 2L $3.99, Liberte or Source yogurt 500/650g 2/$4.98.
  • Beverage, Oasis juice 8x200ml $2.49.
  • Others, Tide landury detergent 1.47L $5.99, Maxwell instant coffee 150/200g $3.99.


  • Meat, Fresh whole chicken 2/$9, Fresh pork loin roast $2.99/lb, Selection sliced bacon
  • 500g 2/$5.
  • Vegetable, Broccoli $1.99, Red peppers $1.99/lb, Celery 2un. $1.99.
  • Fruit, Strawberries 1lb 2/$5, Pineapples 2/$5, Cantaloupe $2.99, Blackberries $2.99, Kiwis 2lb $2.99.
  • Dairy, Selection butter 454g 3/$10, Lactantia milk 4L to get $1 off on Astro yogurt
  • 650/700g.
  • Beverage, Pepsi or 7-up 6/710ml 2/$5.
  • Others, Coissants 10 un. $2.99.

Super C,

  • Meat, Barbed king roast $3/lb, Fresh pork loin duo chops or roast $1/lb, Fresh pork chops $2/lb, Sublumo sausages $1/lb.
  • Seafood, Cooked shrimp ring 227g $2.
  • Vegetable, Cauliflower $1, Asparagus $2/lb.
  • Fruit, Apples 4ln $2.99, Blueberries $2, Kiwis 4/$1, Mango $1, Pears $1/lb.
  • Dairy, Source yogurt 4x100g $1, Quebon 1% chocolate milk 2L $2.
  • Beverage, Fruitopia drinks 1.89L $1, Oasis juice 8x200ml $2, Danone yogurt 650g $3.
  • Others, Sugar 2kg 2/$3, Large eggs 2/$3, Raisin bread 675g $2.