Thursday, January 6, 2011

Provigo, Loblaws and Maxi new week flyers from Jan.6-12

• Meat, Boneless pork loin roast centre or rib portion $2/lb, Pork legs $1/lb.
• Seafood, Fresh tilapia fillets $5/lb.
• Vegetable, Yellow or red potatoes 10lb $2, Tomatoes $2/lb.
• Fruit, Strawberries 2/$5, Large red plums $2/lb.
• Beverage, Oasis juice 960ml 99c, Tropicana juice 1.75L $3.
• Others, Gadoua bagels pkg of 6 $2, Royale bathroom tissue 8 double rolls or facial tissues $4, Two-bite brownies 250-300g $3.

• Meat, T-bones or wing steak $5/lb, Prok legs $1/lb, Fresh pork riblets 98c/lb, Ground pork or beef $2.99/lb.
• Seafood, Fresh rainbow trout fillets $6/lb, Raw white shrimp frozen 500g $3.98, Whole Fripex sardines frozen 800g $2.99.
• Vegetable, Red or white potatoes 10lb $2, Garlic pkg of 3 48c.
• Fruit, Cherries $3/lb, Navel oranges $1/lb, Mini mandarins 1.5lb $1.98, Chinese Ya pears 68c/lb.
• Beverage, Rougemont apple juice 2L 8x200ml $2.
• Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 300g $3, Breyers frozen dessert 1.89L $3, PC yogurt 650/750g $2.
• Others, Two-bite brownies 250/300g $3, English muffins pkg of 6 $1, Rooster brand rice 8kg $10.98, Mazola corn oil 2.84L $5.98, Christie cookies 550g $2.99, Delissio frozen pizza 811-931g $5.

• Meat, Lean ground beef $2/lb, Splading bacon 500g $2.
• Seafood, whole pink salmon frozen $2/lb.
• Vegetable, Carrots or yellow onions 10lb $2, cauliflower $2.
Fruit, Blueberries 2/$2, Mini watermelon $2.
• Dairy, Danone yogurt 650/750g $2, Quebon chocolate milk 1L 2/$2.
• Beverage, Nestle natural spring water 20x500g $2, Oasis juice 1.75L $2.
• Others, Catelli spaghetti 325-500g 3/$2, Extra large eggs $2.