Tuesday, September 27, 2011

IGA, Metro and Super C following week flyer Sep.29-Oct.5th

-Meat, Fresh chicken 99c/lb, Extra lean ground beef $2.99/lb, Seasoned fresh pork tenderloin $2.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Cauliflower 99c, Celery 2/$1, Sweet green peppers 99c/lb, Seedless cucumbers 2/$3, Red vine tomatoes $1.99/lb.
-Fruit, Seedless oranges 3lb 2/$4, Pink grapefruit 4lb 2/$4, Papaya $1.99, Pears $1.29/lb, Apples 5lb $3.99.
-Dairy, Lactantia butter 454g $2.99, Compliments sliced cheese 500g $2.99.
-Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 6x710ml 2/$5, Oasis juice 960ml or 3x200ml 4/$5.
-Others, Nescafe instant coffee 200g $4.99, Lays potato 200g 2/$5, Michelina’s entrée 142-284g 99c.

-Meat, Fresh boneless chicken breasts $2.99/lb, Fresh pork loin roast 99c/lb, Fresh boneless pork loin roast $2.49/lb.
-Vegetable, Seedless English cucumber $1.99, Cauliflower 2/$5, Carrots or yellow onions 2lb 99c,
-Fruit, Raspberries 3/$5, Banana 49c/lb, Red or green grapes $2.49/lb.
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 16x100g $3.99, Irresistibles yogurt 650g 2/$5.
-Beverage, Pepsi 6x710ml 2/$5.50, Oasis juice 960ml4/$5 or 18x200ml $5.99, Selection natural spring water 24x500ml $2.99.
-Others, Primo pasta 750-900g 99c, Delissio pizza 370-927g $4.49, Croissants 50g 6 unit $2.99, Nescafe instant coffee 200g $4.99.

Super C
-Meat, Lean Ground pork or beef $1.69/lb, Fresh pork leg roast 99c/lb, Fresh pork chops $2.29/lb, Fresh pork side ribs $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Steelhead trout fillet $5.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Washed potatoes 15lb $2.99, Baby-cut carrots spinach 99c, Broccoli 99c, Iceberg lettuce 99c, Celery 99c, Extra large green peppers 99c/lb.
-Fruit, Apples 8lb $2.99, Red or black plums 99c/lb Kiwis 2lb $2.99, Avocado 79c, Seedless navel oranges 3lb $2.99.
-Dairy, Yop drinkable yogurt 200ml 2/99c, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $5.99, Danone yogurt 650g $2.99.
-Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 24 cans $5.99.
-Others, Five roses or Robin hood flour 10kg $7.99, Selection vegetable oil 3L $4.99, Christie cookies 280-350g 2/$5.50.

Monday, September 26, 2011

PA following week flyer Sep. 26-Oct.2

Meat, Boneless pork loin roast $1.99/lb, Boneless pork chops $2.49/lb, Medium ground beef $2.49/lb.
Seafood, Fresh Atlantic Salmon steaks $6.99/lb, Large shrimps $7.99/lb, Frozen Californian squid 1kg $3.99, Fresh Blue fish $2.49/lb, Frozen sole fillets $5.99/lb.
Vegetable, Broccoli 2/99c, Cauliflower 99c, Fresh Canadian parsley 3/$1.
Fruit, Strawberries 3/$5, Pears 59c/lb, Yellow delicious apples 99c/lb, Pineapples 2/$5, Cantaloupe $2.99, Plums 99c/lb.
Dairy, Strong cheddar cheese $4.99/lb, Liberte Goat milk 1L $2.99, Greek yogurt 500g $2.99
Beverage, Sparkling water 1.5L 89c.
Others, Primo Tuna can 99cg 2/99c, Sea salt 2/99c, Smoked tofu 210g 2/$5.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Provigo, Loblaws and Maxi following week flyer Sep.22-28

-Meat, Fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts $2.99/lb, Bone-in pork loin chops $2.79/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh coho salmon fillets $7.99/lb.
-Vegetable, White potatoes or yellow onions and carrots or beets 10lb 3/$4.98, Tomatoes $1.79/lb, Green apples $1.29, Mushroom $1.79.
-Fruit, Apples $1.49/lb, Navel oranges $1.29/lb, Peaches $1.49/lb, Black plums $1.49/lb, Apples $1.29/lb.
-Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $4.99, Breyers frozen dessert 1.66L $2.88.
-Beverage, Oasis juice 960ml 4/$5.
-Others, Frozen pizza 325-450g 2/$7.

-Meat, Chicken or drumsticks or thighs $1.99/lb, Lafleur smoked picnic pork shoulder $1.79/lb, Boneless pork loin roast $2.99/lb, Esxtra lean ground chicken or turkey $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh steelhead trout fillets $6.99/lb.
-Vegetable, White or green asparagus $1.99/lb, Green peppers $1.29/lb, Tomatoes $1.79/lb, Mushroom $1.79, Broccoli $1.79.
-Fruit, Strawberries $1.99, Pears $1.49/lb, Black plums $1.49/lb, Peaches $1.49/lb, Apples $1.29/lb.
-Dairy, Breyers frozen dessert 1.66L $2.88, Source yogurt 650g $2.49.
-Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 12 cans $2.99, Oasis juice 960ml 4/$5.
-Others, Maxwell instant coffee 200 $2.99, Lays potato chips 220g 2/$5, Lantic white sugar 2kg $1.99.

-Meat, Skinless chicken breast $2.27/lb, Medium ground pork $2.49/lb.
-Seafood, Raw white shrimp 500g $5.99.
-Vegetable, Roma tomatoes 99c/lb, Ginger roots $1.49, Englich cucumber 99c, Grape tomatoes $1.79.
-Fruit, Black seedless grapes $1.49/lb, Raspberries 2/$3, Peaches 99c/lb, Apples 4lb $2.99,
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 650g 3/$5, Cantaloupe $1.49.
-Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 6x710ml $2.44, Oasis juice 8x200ml $1.97 or 960ml 4/$5, Tropicana juice 1.75L $3.49.
-Others, Frozen pizza 694-848g $4.97, Arctic powder liquid detergent 1.47L $3.47, Pringles 182g $1.99, Donuts glazed pkg. of 12 $2, Unico pasta 900g 99c, Unico vegetable oil 3L $4.99, Rose brand jasmine white rice 8.18kg $12.98, Ruslks whole wheat 180g 99c.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

IGA, Metro or Super C following week flyer Sep.22-28

-Meat, Fresh pork loin back or fresh back ribs $2.99/lb, Frozen beef for Chinese fondue 350g $2.99, Extra lean ground beef $2.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Mushroom 99c, Red or orange peppers $1.49/lb, Broccoli $1.99.
-Fruit, Seedless green or red grapes 99c/lb, Apples 89c/lb, Clementines 3lb $3.99.
-Dairy, Kraft peanut butter 1kg $2.99, Kraft sliced cheese 500g $2.99.
-Beverage, Natur-A soy beverage 1.75L $3.79 or 1L or 3x200ml 3/$4.98, Oasis juice 8x200ml 2/$5, Tropicana juice 1.75L $3.49.
-Others, Maxwell instant coffee 200g $2.99, Royale bathroom tissue 16 rolls $8.99 buy one get one free, Nescafe instant coffee 200g $4.99, Christie cookies 350g 2/$5.98, Primo pasta 900g 4/$5, Frozen pizza 370-931g $4.99.

-Meat, Prime fresh whole chicken $1.99/lb, Fresh picnic pork shoulder $1.99/lb, Fresh pork side ribs $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh Atlantic salmon fillet $6.99.
-Vegetable, Mushroom 99c, Nantes carrots 454g 99c, Broccoli 99c, Green peppers 99c/lb, Celery 99c, Iceberg lettuce 99c.
-Fruit, Clementine 99c/lb, Apples 99c/lb, Black or red plums 99c/lb, Red mango 99c.
-Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 300g $2.99, Black diamond sliced cheese 500g $3.99, Source yogurt 16x100g $5.99.
-Beverage, Eska natural spring water 24x500ml $3.99.
-Others, Michelina’s dinner 284g 99c, Aylmer tomato soup 284ml 2/99c, Christie cookies 550g $3.99, Fleey fabric softener 1.6L $4.99.

Super C,
-Meat, Fresh pork tenderloin $2.99/lb, Barded tournedos steak $2.99/lb, Boneless fresh pork loin roast $3.49.
-Vegetable, Anis 99c, Tomatoes $1.49/lb, Red or yellow peppers 99c/lb, Romaine lettuce 79c/lb, Cauliflower $1.99, Squashes 69c/lb, Bean sprout 99c/lb, Eggplant 99c/lb.
-Fruit, Seedless green grapes 89c/lb, Red mango 99c, Peaches or nectarines 99c/lb, Seedless mini watermelon $2.99, Clementines 3lb $3.99, Blue grapes 2L $3.99.
-Dairy, Super C butter 454g $2.97, Source yogurt 4x100g 99c, Selection cheese bar 300g $3.99.
-Beverage, Tropicana juice 2.84L $4.99, Pepsi or Coke 6/710ml $2.99.
-Others, Mostro olive oil 750ml $2.97, Maxwell house ground coffee 631g $3.97.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

PA following week flyer Sep.19-25

-Meat, Boneless beef blade roast $2.49/lb, Chicken breast with back $1.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Rapini 99c, Chinese eggplants 79c/lb, Onions 10lb $1.49, Red peppers 99c/lb, Roma tomatoes 89c/lb.
-Fruit, Large nectarines 79c/lb, Green seedless grapes 99c/lb, Banana 49c/lb, Cantaloupe 2/$3, Lemons 5/$1, Clementines $1.49/lb, Kiwi basket $1.99.
-Dairy, Astro yogurt 650-750g $1.69, Lactantia butter 454g $3.49.
-Others, Sardines aurora 120g 69c, Ristorante pizza 340-400g $3.99, Raisin bread 675g $1.99, Robin hood or Five roses flour 10kg $11.99, White vinegar 4L $1.79.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Provigo, Loblaws and Maxi following wee flyer Sep. 15-21

-Meat, Extra lean ground beef $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh Atlantic salmon fillets $5.99, Fresh air chilled whole chicken $1.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Iceberg lettuce 99c, Green or red or savoy cabbage 49c/lb, Squash 79c/lb, Green zucchini $1.29/lb, Red or yellow peppers $1.29/lb, Artichauts 3/99c.
-Fruit, Strawberries $1.99, Pears $1.29/lb.
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 650g $2.99.
-Others, Delissio frozen pizza 627-931g $4.44, Christie snacking crackers 100-454g 2/$4.

-Meat, Top sirloin roast or family pack steak $3.99/lb, Pork loin chops bone-in rib $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Frozen white shrimp 454g $3.99.
-Vegetable, Brocolli 99c, Cauliflower 99c, Yellow onions or carrots 99c, Iceberg lettuce 99c, Green or red or savoy cabbage 49c/lb, Squash 79c/lb, Green zucchini $1.29/lb, Artichauts 3/99c, Red or yellow peppers $1.29/lb.
-Fruit, Mini watermelon $3.99.
-Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 300g $3.99.
-Others, Extra large white eggs $1.99, Rooster brand rice premium scented 8kg $10.98, Christie snacking crackers 100-454g 2/$4.

-Meat, Pork tenderloin or pork back ribs $2.97/lb, Bacon 500g $2.97, Pork loin chops $2.49/lb.
-Vegetable, Cauliflower $1.29, Red or yellow peppers 99c/lb, Tomatoes $1.29/lb, Mushroom $1.49.
-Fruit, Blueberries 3/$5.
-Dairy, Kraft peanut butter 1kg $3.99.
-Beverage, Nestle pure life water 30x500ml $2.97, Rougemont juice 24x200ml $3.77, Fruitopia juice 2.63L 2/$5, Tropicana juice 2.63L $4.99.
-Others, Robin hood or Five roses all purposed flour 10kg $8.88, Lancia pasta 650g 99c, Dare cookies 300g $2.49.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

IGA, Metro and Super C following week flyer Sep. 15-21

-Meat, Fresh boneless chicken breasts $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Frozen cooked shrimp 340g $7.99 buy one get one free.
-Vegetable, Beets, carrots or yellow onions or white potatoes 10lb 3/$4.98, Eggplant or green zucchini $1.29/lb, Cauliflower $1.99, Celery $1.29, Iceberg lettuce $1.29.
-Fruit, Raspberries 3/$4.98, Seedless grapes $1.99/lb.
-Dairy, Compliments fruit juice 3x200ml or 1L 5/$3.95, Yoplait yogurt 650g $2.99, Kraft cracker barrel cheese bar 300g $3.99.
-Beverage, Oasis juice 1.75L $1.99, Coke 6x710ml 2/$5.
-Others, Compliments chips 220g 3/$4.98, Black chocolate 150g 2/$4.98, Nescafe instant coffee 150g $6.99.

-Meat, Fresh chicken breasts $1.99/lb, French Style roast or steak $2.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Romaine lettuce 2/$1.49, Yellow or red peppers $1.49/lb, Eggplant or green zucchini $1.29/lb.
-Fruit, Peaches or apples 3L 2/$5, Blue grapes 2L 2/$5.
-Dairy, Kraft sliced cheese 500g $2.99, Black diamond cheese bar 500g $5.99, Astro yogurt 16x100g $4.49, Black diamond ficello cheestrings 336g $5.99.
-Beverage, Tropicana 1.75L $2.99.
-Others, Royale bathroom tissues 16 rolls $3.99, Leclerc cookies 350g 2/$5.

Super C,
-Meat, Fresh chicken legs 8/$5, Selection beef for Chinese fondue 350g 3/$9.
-Vegetable, Broccoli 2/$1, Iceberg lettuce 3/$2.50, English cucumber or Celery 3/$2.5, Peeled baby-cut carrots 340g 3/$2.50, Mushroom 3/$5.
-Fruit, Seedless navel oranges 3lb 2/$6, Apples 4lb 2/$6, Avocado 4/$3, Raspberries 2/$4.50.
-Dairy, Kraft peanut butter 1kg 2/$5.50, Yoplait yogurt 650g 2/$5.
-Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 6x710ml 2/$5.
-Others, Sugar 2kg 2/$4, Michelina’s entrée 142-284g 3/$3, Arctic power detergent 1.47L 2/$6, Christie cookies 250g 2/$4, Lay’s potato chips 2/$6.

PA following week flyer Sep.12-18

-Meat, Pork spareribs $1.69/lb, Pork chops $2.49/lb, Chicken wings $2.29/lb.
-Seafood, Frozen shrimp 907g $8.99, Whole small Fresh Atlantic salmon $3.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Broccoli 69c, Cucumber 6/$1, Cauliflower $1.39, Fennel
99c, Asparagus $1.99/lb.
-Fruit, Raspberries 3/$5, Pineapples $1.99, Avocados 3/$1, Red
grapefruit 3/$1, Mango 99c, Papaya 99c/lb, Apples 99c/lb, Blue grapes
1.5lb $1.99, Melon hami 79c/lb.
-Dairy, Emmentale cheese$ 4.99/lb.
-Beverage, Oasis juice 960ml 99c, So nice soy beverage 946ml 3/$5.
-Others, Gogo quinoa spaghetti 227g 2/$5, Black chocolates 100g 2/$5,
Seafood snacks 92-100g 99c, Robin hood oats 1kg $1.99.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Provigo, Loblaws and Maxi following week flyer Sep.8-14

-Meat, Pork tenderloin or back ribs $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Shrimp frozen 340g $2.99.
-Vegetable, Mushroom 99c, Greenhouse tomatoes 99c/lb, English cucumber $1.49, Green red savoy cabbage 49c/lb, Iceberg lettuce 99c, Green beans $1.69/lb, Cauliflower 2/$5.
-Fruit, Blackberries or Raspberries 2/$5, Pears $1.49/lb, Mini seedless watermelon $3.99, Apples 4lb bag $3.99, Peaches $1.49/lb.
-Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $5.99, Chapmans frozen yogurt 1L/2L $3.99.
-Beverage, Tropicana juice 1.75L 2/$7.
-Others, Tide 2X laundry detergent 1.62kg $4.99, Large eggs 3/$4.99, Ristorante frozen pizza 325-450g 2/$7, Michelina’s entrée 227-284g 99c,

-Meat, Lean ground beef or pork $2.49/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh Atlantic salmon fillets $5.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Green beans $1.69/lb, Green red savoy cabbage 49c/lb, English cucumber $1.49.
-Fruit, Red green or black seedless grapes 99c/lb, Blackberries or Raspberries 2/$5, Pears $1.49/lb, pples 4lb bag $3.99.
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 12x100g or 650g $2.99, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $5.99, Kraft peanut butter 1kg $2.99.
-Beverage, Kiju organic juice 4x200ml or 1L 2/$5.
-Others, Robin hood or Five roses flour 10kg $8.99, Ristorante frozen pizza 325-450g 2/$7.

-Meat, Lactantia butter 454g $2.97, Beef Chinese fondue frozen 3x350g $8.97, Pork riblets 98c/lb.
-Seafood, Large white shrimp frozen 907g $7.99, Frozen whole sardines 800g $3.99, Frozen tilapia dressed $1.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Rapini 2/$3, Bok choy and nappa 62c/lb, Eggplant or Zucchini 99c/lb, White potatoes carrots or onions 10lb $1.97, Broccoli 79c, English cucumber 99c.
-Fruit, Navel oranges 3lb $2.99, Apples 4lb $2.99, Avocados 99c.
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 16x100g $3.97, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $5.97.
-Beverage, Tropicana juice 1.75L $2.97, Delissio frozen pizza 1.67kg $6.97.
-Others, Maxwell instant coffee 200g $3.97, Cereal 340-550g $2.49, Pasta 1.5kg $2, Premium scented rice 8kg $10.88, Vegetable oil 2.84L $3.98.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

IGA, Metro and Super C following week flyer Sep.8-14

-Meat, Fresh pork tenderloin $2.99/lb, French steak or roast $2.99/lb.
-Seafood, Frozen uncooked shrimp 2lb $11.98.
-Vegetable, Broccoli $1.99, Leeks 6/$3.98, Seedless Cucumber 99c, Sweet green peppers 79c/lb.
-Fruit, Apples 8.8L $4.99, Strawberries 1lb $2.99, Cantaloupe $1.99, Clementines 3lb $3.99, Seedless mini watermelon $3.99.
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 16x100g $5.98.
-Beverage, Oasis juice 946ml or 3x200ml 4/$5, Natur-a soy beverage 2x946ml $2.98.
-Others, Frozen pizza 374-450g 3/$9.99, Omega-3 eggs $1.99, Christie cookies 550g $2.64, Tide laundry detergent 31-40 washloads $6.99.

-Meat, Boneless smoked ham 650g 2/$10, Fresh whole chickens Duo pack $10.
-Vegetable, Iceberg lettuce $1.29, Cauliflower $1.99, Celery $1.29, Green peppers 99c/lb.
-Fruit, Raspberries 3/$5, Strawberries 2/$5, Pears $1.49/lb.
-Dairy, Danone yogurt 650g 2/$4, Selection butter 454g 3/$10, Selection cheddar cheese 300g 2/$7, Yop drinkable yogurt 200ml 6/$5.
-Others, Resolve stain remover 1.3L $4.99, Delissio frozen pizza 737-953g $5.99, Nescafe instant coffee 100-200g $4.99.

Super C,
-Meat, Fresh boneless chicken breasts $2.99/lb, Boneless shoulder roast $2.49, Fresh pork chops $1.99/lb.
-Seafood, Cooked shrimp ring 227g 2/$5.
-Vegetable, Romaine lettuce 69c, Cauliflower $1.99, Green cabbage 99c.
-Fruit, Apples 79c/lb, Pears 99c/lb, Mango 99c.
-Dairy, Selection cheese bar 500g $4.97, Danone yogurt 650g $2.99.
-Beverage, Oasis juice 8x200ml 2/$5, Pepsi or Coke 2L 3/$5.
-Others, Selection white large eggs 3/$5, Nescafe instant coffee 200g $4.99, Christie cookies 550g $2.99, Dainy patma rice 8kg $6.99.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

PA following week flyer Sep.5-11

-Meat, Fresh lean ground beef $2.49/lb, Italian sausages $2.99/lb, Fresh quails pgk. of 6. $7.99,
-Seafood, Shrimps $4.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Green beans $1/lb, Tomatoes $1/lb, Leeks pkg of 6. $3.99, English cucumber 89c, Red peppers 99c/lb, Rapini 2/$3.
-Fruit, Green seedless grapes $1/lb, Honey dew $1/lb, Oranges 8/$1.99, Yellow watermelon $1.99, Red or black plums 99c/lb.
-Dairy, Mild cheddar cheese $3.99/lb, Saputo cheese slices 160-200g 2/$5, Liberte yogurt 500g $1.99.
-Beverage, Oasis juice 3x200ml 99c, Kiju organic juice 1L $1.99, Almond beverage 946ml $1.69.
-Others, Traditional crust pizza 413-433g $2.99, Primo vegetable oil 3L $4.69, Small rye bread 99c, Basmati Rice 10lbs $6.99.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Provigo, Loblaws or Maxi following week flyer Sep.1-7

Provigo, 1-7
-Meat, Whole beef tenderloin $6.99/lb, Pork loin chops $2.49/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh steelhead trout fillets $6.99/lb.
-Vegetable, Cauliflower 2/$4, Green peppers 99c/lb, Zucchini $1.9/lb.
-Fruit, Raspberries 3/$5, Cantaloupe $1.99, Peaches $1.49/lb, Black plums $1.99/lb, Apples $1.29/lb.
-Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $4.99, Kraft peanut butter 750g-1kg $2.99, Source yogurt 750g $1.99.
-Others, Christie cookies 100-454g $1.79, Pringles potato chips 162-191g $1.99.

-Meat, T-bone or wing steak $4.99/lb, Sirloin tip marinating steak $4.99/lb.
-Seafood, Fresh Atlantic salmon portions 142g $2.99.
-Vegetable, Tomato 99c/lb, Mushroom 99c, Mini carrots 340g 99c, Cauliflower 2/$4, English cucumber $1.29, Green peppers 99c/lb, Zucchini $1.9/lb, Eggplant $1.39/lb.
-Fruit, Cantaloupe $1.99, Peaches $1.49/lb, Black plums $1.99/lb, Apples $1.29/lb, Raspberries 2/$5.
-Dairy, Lactantia butter 454g $2.99.
-Others, Delissio frozen pizza 627-931g $4.44, Pringles potato chips 162-191g $1.99, Rooster brand rice premium scented rice 8kg $10.98, Corn or Canola oil 2.84L $4.98, Lays potato chips 220g 4/$10.

-Meat, Cap off steak $4.97/lb, Fresh pork tenderloin $3.99/lb, Medium ground beef $3.29.
-Vegetable, Leek pkg of 6 3.99, Sweet red yellow or orange peppers 99c/lb, Romaine lettuce 69c.
-Fruit, Red seedless grapes 87c/lb, Pears 99c/lb, Strawberries 1.5L $2.99, Red seedless watermelon $3.99.
-Dairy, Biobest yogurt 12x100g $3.88, Source yogurt 650g $1.99.
-Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 24 can $5.97.
-Others, Lays potato chips 2/$5, Colgate or Crest toothpaste 80-130ml $1.59, Ivory beauty soap 10x90g $1.99.