Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Metro, IGA and Super C coming updated Dec.31-Jan.6


  • Meat, Fresh pork loin roast or chops $1.99/lb, Medium ground beef $1.79/lb, Maple leaf bacon 500g 2/$5.
  • Vegetable, Iceberg lettuce 99c, Broccoli 99c, Mushrooms 99c.
  • Fruit, Kiwis 2lb $2.99, Apples 3lb $2.99, Avocadoes 4un. $2.99.
  • Dairy, P’tit Quebec cheese 300g $2.99, Irresistibles yogurt 650g 2/$5, Natrel milk with Omega-3 2L $3.99, Black diamond process cheese sliced 500g $3.99.
  • Beverage, Oasis juice 960ml or 3x200ml 88c, Pepsi or Coke 2L 4/$5.
  • Others, Thin crust pizza 440-455g $3.99, Nescafe instant coffee 100-200g $4.99, Ivory beauty soap 3/90g 4/$5.


  • Meat, Fresh boneless pork loin chops $1.69/lb, Lafleur bacon 500g $1.99, Lean minced veal $1.99/lb.
  • Vegetable, Long white potatoes 10lb $1.49, Cauliflower 2/$3, Baby-cut carrots 99c, Cucumber 2/$1.48, Green beans $1.49/lb, Eggplants $1.49/lb, Green peppers $1.49/lb, Zucchini $1.49/lb, Green or red cabbage 79c/lb.
  • Fruit, Kiwis 99c/lb, Banana 59c/lb, Papaya 99c/lb, Clementines 5lb $4.99.
  • Dairy, Peanut butter 750g-1kg $2.49, P’tit Quebec cheese bar 500g $5.99, Lactantia milk 4L get one free Chocolate milk 1L.
  • Beverage, Coke or Sprite 12can 2/$5, Pepsi or Coke 2L 2/$1.99.
  • Others, Maxwell instant coffee 150-200g $2.49, Maxwell instant coffee 910-975g $4.49, Mikes frozen pizza 565g-1kg $6.99.

Super C,

  • Meat, Beef cubes $2.99/lb, Selection bacon 500g $2.49, Selection beef for Chinese fondue 350g $2.49, Fresh pork tenderloins $2.99/lb.
  • Vegetable, Cucumber 3/$5, Broccoli 3/$5, Mushrooms 3/$5.
  • Fruit, Strawberries $1.99, Blueberries $1.99, Pineapple $1.99, Pears 99c/lb, Blackberries 3/$5.
  • Dairy, Mozzarella cheese 300g 2/$5, Breyer’s ice cream 1.66/1.89L $3.99.
  • Beverage, Pepsi or Coke 24can $4.99.