Monday, December 14, 2009

PA and Adonis new deals effctive on Dec.14-20


  • Meat, Milk fed veal blade roast $1.99/lb, Beef brisket $2.99/lb, Fresh pork tenderloin $2.99/lb.
  • Vegetable, Leaf lettuce 99c, Cauliflower 99c, Broccoli 99c, Potatoes 10lb 99c, White zucchini 99c/lb,
  • Fruit, Bananas 39c/lb, Cantaloupe 99c, Mango 69c, Apples 79c/lb, Physalis 99c, Canary melon $2.99.
  • Dairy, Danone yogurt 8x100g $3.99, Mozzarella Saputo cheese $4.99/lb, Breyer’s ice cream 1.66/1.89L $2.99.
  • Others, Ground coffee 250g $2.49, Bathroom tissues 8 rolls $1.99, Walnut pieces $3.99/lb, Sultana raisins $1.69/lb, Chinese Dumplings 800g $4.99.


  • Meat, Roast beef blade $2.72/lb, Duck $2.72/lb.
  • Vegetable, Green peppers 69c/lb, Green onion 3/99c, Potatoes 10lb 99c.
  • Fruit, Cantaloupe $1.49, blackberries 99c, Grapefruit 3/99c, Red apples 79c/lb, Kiwis 5/$1.
  • Beverage, Pepsi or 7up 12can $2.99.
  • Others, Cedar vegetable oil 3L $3.89, Cedar natural almond 454g $2.49, Patna rice 8kg $6.99, Nescafe instant coffee 200g $4.99, Extra large white eggs $1.99.
It is Christmas season now. If you have time, you'd better buy more food to store in your refrigerator in case of grocery stores' shutting down.