Monday, December 28, 2009

PA and Adonis following week's deals Dec.28-Jan.3


  • Meat, Fresh medium ground beef $1.99/lb, Fresh roast or steak $2.99/lb, Thawed rabbit $3.99/lb.
  • Vegetable, Tomatoes 99c/lb, Lettuce 69c/lb, Potatoes 5lb 99c, Mushrooms $1.29, Green peppers 79c/lb, Onions 2lb 2/99c.
  • Fruit, Nectarines 99c/lb, Cherries $3.99/lb, Mandarines 3lb $2.99, Pears 99c/lb, Papaya 99c/lb.
  • Dairy, Swiss emmental cheese $4.99/lb, Haagen dazs ice cream 3x88ml or 500ml $3.99, Astro yogurt 650/750g $1.79.
  • Others, Coffee break cake 500g $3.49.


  • Meat, Ground lean beef $2.49/lb.
  • Seafood, Thawed squid rings $2.49/lb.
  • Dairy, Parmalat skim milk Chocolate 1% 2L $1.99, Liberte sour cream 500ml $1.69.
Adonis in this week seems has few good deals, especially fresh vegetable and fruit. However, PA never disappoint us.